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Guides Technology Advantech IXM Technology, the Master to Network Deployment

Advantech IXM Technology, the Master to Network Deployment

Published on 05/29/2017 | Technology

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Accelerating the Adoption of Industrial Internet of Things.


In traditional networking management, it takes a lot of time to configure each network device with duplicate settings, as well as perform firmware synchronization. If after deployment, an issue appears without an obvious method of solving it can quickly affect the efficiency of the network.

Advantech IXM technology is a base protocol specifically designed for most EKI devices. Its design approach was based on the knowledge that devices negotiate with each other for specific purpose. With this in mind, two directions were defined to implement IXM: Synchronization and Supervision. It also benefits different phases of device deployment: Installation and Maintenance. IXM partially accomplishes the concept of IOT, which is allowed to control everything remotely and utilizes BIG DATA collected from other network devices. IXM fulfills the expectations that we applied to the network: simple, quick installation and operation reliability.


You can read and download the full report on Advantech here

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