Samsara Case Studies Van der Linden Enhances Driver Safety and Avoids Fines with Samsara
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Van der Linden Enhances Driver Safety and Avoids Fines with Samsara

Logistics & Transportation
Driver Performance Monitoring
Last Mile Delivery
Van der Linden, a 125-year-old road transportation company based in the Netherlands, was facing a significant challenge due to outdated systems. The company, which specializes in dedicated delivery services, was struggling to monitor driver hours and maintain compliance with EU rules. In the Netherlands, if a driver is fined for driving too many hours without observing the mandatory rest periods, the employer is required to pay a fine double that amount. With the minimum fine for drivers set at €220, Van der Linden was at risk of incurring substantial costs from non-compliance across its growing fleet. The company's traditional method of drivers clocking in with timecards and manually reporting monthly truck data was proving to be inefficient and error-prone.
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Van der Linden is a long-standing road transportation company with a history of 125 years. Based in the Netherlands, the company specializes in dedicated delivery services and is a niche player in the market. The family-owned business takes pride in providing its customers, which include Dutch retail giant C&A and global logistics provider Rhenus Group, with best-in-class branded vehicles and delivery drivers. Despite its traditional business model, Van der Linden is committed to leveraging modern technology to improve its operations and services.
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Van der Linden implemented a tailored solution from Samsara to address these challenges. The solution automated the process of hours calculation and enabled real-time tachograph downloads. The in-vehicle tachograph system informs drivers when they have reached their maximum hours and need to schedule rest. This not only helped the company to ensure compliance with EU rules but also improved the accuracy of data. Managers could monitor this remotely, sharing a monthly report with drivers that helped them identify why they have been breaking labour laws. This proactive approach helped the company to prevent potential violations and fines, and also improved the overall efficiency of their operations.
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The implementation of the Samsara solution marked the first step in Van der Linden's journey towards leveraging connected operations. The company demonstrated how a traditional business could use technology to modernize for the future. By automating, the business saved hours in administrative work. Drivers gained a better understanding of when and why they were in breach of the rules and how to prevent it, reducing the risk of fines. Most importantly, the solution assisted in improving driver safety and wellbeing, helping employees to take adequate breaks and rest time. This not only enhanced the company's compliance with regulations but also contributed to the overall wellbeing of its employees.
40 hours of manual work per year prevented
80 drivers compliant with EU working hours
100,000 of Euros in fines avoided
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