AUVESY-MDT Case Studies Logistics processes in safe hands

Logistics processes in safe hands

Logistics processes in safe hands - AUVESY-MDT Industrial IoT Case Study
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Backup & Recovery
Logistics & Transportation

The latest logistics and automation technologies that help to safeguard work processes in large warehouses with complex, around-the-clock global distribution networks require regular changes and improvements to function optimally. At the same time, these modifications also increase the risk of errors or even production stoppages, which are unfavorable situations.

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For users in the logistics sector and machine and plant engineering.
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An integrated data management system can be used to detect and document every change made to the control processes of internal transport mechanisms, thus ensuring complete clarity and data availability at all times. By creating a backup copy of the controller's most recent project data as well as a detailed change history, a data management system keeps projects running smoothly and at the highest quality.

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Backup, Downtime, Logistics Cost, Machine Documentation, Warehousing Costs
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[Data Management - Data Availability]
The risk of serious problems being caused by incomplete documentation and scattered data storage is avoided, through the use of a fully automated data management system that stores the most recent versions centrally, detects changes down to the last detail and guarantees full documentation.
[Efficiency Improvement - Operation]
Versiondog automatically provides a daily update of supply logistics or other underlying functions. This means the user can immediately react to changes and discrepancies at the start of operations, before they can have an impact on the logistics process as such acting as a safeguard.
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