relayr Case Studies Transforming Building Management with IoT: A Case Study on Learnd
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Transforming Building Management with IoT: A Case Study on Learnd

Transforming Building Management with IoT: A Case Study on Learnd - relayr Industrial IoT Case Study
Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
Analytics & Modeling - Data-as-a-Service
Building Automation & Control
Retail Store Automation
Buildings, like living organisms, consist of multiple systems that need to function seamlessly round the clock. However, maintaining aging equipment and facilities, dealing with utility issues, and controlling costs are ongoing concerns in the buildings industry. These challenges often undermine the well-being of the end-users, leading to dissatisfaction and lower performance. The various components of buildings usually have a long lifespan, and their management involves high risks and unexpected pitfalls. This situation leaves organizations struggling to focus on their core business while delivering a high-quality experience for end-users.
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Learnd's customers are organizations that operate commercial premises across various sectors including critical infrastructure, healthcare, retail, education, government, and business offices. These organizations often struggle with the management of their buildings due to the high risks and unexpected pitfalls involved. They are in need of a solution that allows them to focus on their core business while ensuring that their buildings are well-maintained and provide a high-quality experience for end-users. Learnd's customers are spread across the UK and Europe, and they manage over 10,000 buildings.
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Learnd, a leading technology-led integrator for buildings, has partnered with Relayr to transform the way systems within a building are managed and maintained. Learnd helps its customers manage over 10,000 buildings across the UK and Europe, with strong sector expertise across healthcare, education, retail, critical infrastructure, data centers, and commercial offices. The partnership with Relayr and HSB enables a groundbreaking shift in the buildings industry. Relayr’s expertise in digitizing assets provides the backbone for Learnd’s capabilities by adding data processing and data analytics, combined with business enablement. For example, Learnd is now able to guarantee retail customers that their stores offer maximum shopper comfort or ensure a hospital that the conditions on its wards are optimized for patient care.
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The partnership between Learnd, Relayr, and HSB has led to a significant transformation in the buildings industry. The integration of Relayr’s digitization skills with Learnd's extensive domain expertise has enabled the creation of better buildings for customers. This is backed up by the powerful insurance partner HSB. The Building Performance as a Service offering is driving a step change in the buildings industry. Learnd’s customers now have absolute certainty that their buildings perform as they need them to, while spending less over the long term. This has allowed organizations to focus on their core business while ensuring a high-quality experience for end-users.
Increased uptime and system availability
Higher level of comfort and visibility
Reduced energy spend through continual monitoring
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