Google Cloud Platform Case Studies Alto's Transformation of Ride-Hailing Experience with Google Maps Platform
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Alto's Transformation of Ride-Hailing Experience with Google Maps Platform

Google Cloud Platform
Functional Applications - Fleet Management Systems (FMS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Application Development Platforms
Product Research & Development
Quality Assurance
Fleet Management
Transportation Simulation
Cloud Planning, Design & Implementation Services
Testing & Certification

Alto, a ride-hailing company founded in 2018, operates with a unique business model where all drivers are W-2 employees and the company owns all the cars. This approach is designed to provide a safe, clean, consistent, and high-quality experience for every passenger. However, the company faced challenges in maintaining efficiency and competitiveness due to its smaller size compared to more established ride-hailing companies. One of the key issues was imprecise pickup points, which often led to delays and customer complaints. Drivers were often directed to incorrect locations, requiring extra driving time or contact with the customer to determine the proper pickup point. Additionally, the company had to manually input custom areas, locations from which riders frequently request a pickup that are not necessarily on the map yet. This process was time-consuming and inefficient.

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Alto is a Dallas-based ride-hailing company founded in 2018. Unlike other ride-hailing services that operate with a network of independent contractors, Alto employs all its drivers as W-2 employees and owns all of the cars, which are centrally dispatched and warehoused. The company operates fleets in the U.S and is rapidly growing with plans to quadruple its current headcount of 1,200 employees. Alto is committed to providing a safe, clean, consistent, and high-quality experience for every passenger. The company is also focused on sustainability and plans to transition to an all-electic fleet.

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To overcome these challenges, Alto leveraged Google Maps Platform geolocation services. By switching to Google Maps Platform and using the Places API, drivers could see the passenger’s exact reported location as soon as they accepted a ride, preventing delays. This solution significantly reduced customer complaints. To help with the design and deployment of Alto’s custom application, the company brought in Navagis, a Google Maps Platform and Google Cloud Partner. With Google Maps Platform, Alto was able to automate the process of adding temporary locations to the company’s maps system, freeing up employees to focus on other parts of the business. Alto also used Routes to find the closest car to each passenger and optimize its entire fleet. The company plans to use the On-demand Rides and Deliveries Solution, a Google Maps Platform development toolkit, to provide real-time tracking of maps in-app, further enhancing the customer experience.

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The implementation of Google Maps Platform has significantly improved Alto's operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The solution has enabled drivers to reach exact pickup locations, reducing waiting times for customers and ensuring a safer ride. The automation of adding temporary locations to the company’s maps system has freed up employees to focus on tasks that can’t be automated, improving overall productivity. The use of Routes has optimized the journey drivers take to reach customers, allowing the company to operate a lean fleet and maintain a consistent experience for customers. The upcoming implementation of the On-demand Rides and Deliveries Solution will further enhance the customer experience by providing real-time tracking of maps in-app. Alto's focus on sustainability and plans to transition to an all-electric fleet also demonstrate the company's commitment to environmental responsibility.

Reduced customer complaints by 90%

Improved fleet efficiency by directing drivers to the optimum passengers for the fleet

Enabled the business to run on a lean fleet that is 10x smaller than competitors while maintaining service quality

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