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IoT Based Asset Tracking System - Zerone Technologies Industrial IoT Case Study
IoT Based Asset Tracking System
The existing system used by the customer could only track a few thousand assets and was able to generate only a few standard set of reports. As the number of assets tracked grew exponentially, the system started to break at the seams. The Tracking devices were from different manufacturers following different protocols. There was no proper integration among the devices to send instant alerts. There are thousands of tracking devices spread across multiple geographies, that are moving. The configuration and troubleshooting of these devices incurred heavy costs, which was a logistics challenge. The existing system did not provide sophisticated Analytics, Business Intelligence and Insights from the data
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Microlise Drives Vehicle Telemetry Solutions - Vodafone Industrial IoT Case Study
Microlise Drives Vehicle Telemetry Solutions
Microlise is among only a handful of players in the Transport Management Systems space that offer a one stop solution and service capability. Its investment in research and development needs to be underpinned by a robust, global connectivity platform, enabling the reliable transmission of data from vehicles to customers.
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IBM | Using The Cloud and Machine Learning To Enhance Customer Experience - IBM Industrial IoT Case Study
IBM | Using The Cloud and Machine Learning To Enhance Customer Experience
Customer experience is a key competitive differentiator for airlines, and increasingly depends on digital channels. How could American Airlines meet its customers’ appetite for instant information and services?
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Connected Transportation: A Smarter Brain for Your Train with Intel - Intel Industrial IoT Case Study
Connected Transportation: A Smarter Brain for Your Train with Intel
A modern locomotive, for example, has as many as 200 sensors generating more than a billion data points per second. Vibration sensors surround critical components, video cameras scan the track and cab, while other sensors monitor RPM, power, temperature, the fuel mix, exhaust characteristics, and more.Most of today’s locomotives lack sufficient on-board processing power to make full use of all this data. To make matters worse, the data from different subsystems, such as the brakes, fuel system, and engine, remain separate, stored in isolated “boxes” that prevent unified analysis. The data is available, but the technology needed to process it in the most effective manner is not. As new sensors are added to the machine, the problem escalates.
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